Holiday Fun with the Kids

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Holiday Fun with the Kids

The holiday season is the perfect time of the year to make fond memories with those you love. Perhaps, you’re the proud parent of young kids. If your children will be out of school for a couple of weeks over the Christmas holidays, plan something special for them. Consider introducing them to the visual arts. To help you accomplish this worthwhile task, take your little ones to a few art galleries and museums in your part of the country. While at these exciting places, talk about the paintings, photographs, sculptures, and other forms of visual art on display. On this blog, I hope you will discover fun ways to help your kids become interested in the visual arts. Enjoy!


How To Find Collectible American Indian Figures

18 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

The search for collectible figurines usually hinges on authenticity (for older, rarer figurines) to completeness and accessibility (for new figurine series). This is still true to an extent for American Indian figures, but there's an added component when you look to buy figures depicting Native Americans. It's too easy to end up with figures that are stereotypical or that depict scenes incorrectly. A little bit of research is necessary to ensure the figures you get are ones you'll be happy to display. Read More …

3 Tips To Create An Awesome Outdoor Mural

9 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Painting a mural is a fun way to express your artistic side, and creating your masterpiece on an outdoor wall can add a vibrant new twist to your community. Your work and creative vision will be on full display, so you'll have the unique opportunity to gain wide visibility and feedback from the public that isn't possible with other forms of artistic media. If you have been commissioned to paint a mural on an outside setting for a business, school, or other organization, here are 3 tips to help make your job easy and fun. Read More …

Why The Midwest Is The Best Place For Nature Art

17 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Strolling through Minnesota art galleries, you are likely to see a lot of nature canvas art. It stands to reason that just about any city or state that you visit in the Midwest will have a wide variety of nature art. There are certainly plenty of reasons for it, and the following highlight why this particular subject is most common in the art from this region. So Much Wildlife, It Is Even on the Lawn Read More …

4 Reasons You Should Choose an Art Storage Facility

23 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

People purchase art for many different reasons. You may be a collector, an investor, or someone who simply likes to surround themselves with art they enjoy. Whatever your reasons for purchasing art, there may be times when you can't store it in your home. It may be that your collection has grown too large, or you might just need to store your art while you move. It's crucial that you store your art in an art storage facility rather than an ordinary, general purpose self-storage facility. Read More …

Four Things You Will Delight In Experiencing When You Paint Ocean Pictures

17 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Ocean scene painting, especially when you are right there on the beach, is an unmistakable experience. Artists who have chosen the ocean as one of their main topics have always felt connected to their subject matter. It is no wonder, too, that once you paint an ocean scene while standing so close to it, that you will experience many of the same things as other artists did. Here are four artists who painted the ocean, and what each clearly experienced as the result. Read More …